Stuff - 2021

procedural wet/dry sand material, no UVs or texture projections

random circuit cube thing

procedural styrofoam material

procedural styrofoam material

Planet lookdev

Planet lookdev

diffraction material test?

diffraction material test?

diffraction material test?

diffraction material test?

learning some houdini basics, tried to do rain. Wetmaps are not done yet so I just have a glossy material on everything

learning some houdini basics, tried to do rain

learning some houdini basics, tried to do rain

little render for fun

little render for fun

little render for fun

little render for fun

little render for fun

little render for fun

little render for fun

little render for fun

toon render test (Arnold)

toon render test (Arnold)

spider web

spider web

procedural welding test, geometries are cubes and cylinders, no welding geometry between them. Unfortunately was not able to get any proper wielding pattern done procedurally.

procedural welding test, geometries are cubes and cylinders, no welding geometry between them. Unfortunately was not able to get any proper wielding pattern done procedurally.

fake fur material

fake fur material

procedural frost material test

procedural frost material test

some cloth material test

some cloth material test

A bunch of random doodles, little render tests and unfinished stuff done throughout 2021. Most of these are not super polished, more just small visual explorations and things done for fun :D

April 8, 2022