Stuff - 2020

procedural cloth material test on a WIP robot thing I've been modelling

procedural cloth material test on a WIP robot thing I've been modelling

same procedural cloth material on spheres and beveled cube

same procedural cloth material on spheres and beveled cube

iridescent flakes

shiny cube thing

procedural ice material test

procedural ice material test

eye caustics test. Model and texture are from Digital Emily :

eye caustics test. Model and texture are from Digital Emily :

procedural grape material?

procedural grape material?

procedural grape material backlit

procedural grape material backlit

Sad Cat, based on a popular 2D animated gif

Sad Cat, based on a popular 2D animated gif

plastic bag?

plastic bag?

dust material test

dust material test

dust material test

dust material test

oily soup?

oily soup?

some animated materials done in maya hypershade

some animated materials done in maya hypershade

pearls test

pearls test

stockings material test

stockings material test

A bunch of random doodles, little render tests and unfinished stuff done throughout 2020. Most of these are not super polished, more just small visual explorations and things done for fun. It has been a very busy year and I wasn't able to get as much 3D stuff done as I'd like :(

January 1, 2021