
Alligator Loki, green kiddie pool lookdev

Alligator Loki, President Loki stump arm

Alligator Loki, green kiddie pool lookdev

Alligator Loki, green kiddie pool lookdev

Alligator Loki, Void Creatures lookdev

Void Creatures lookdev

I had the pleasure of doing some very fun lookdev work for Marvel's Loki show, I was responsible for Alligator Loki's lookdev, which would not be possible without Jorge Carlos Gonzalez's incredible model and David Skorepa amazing textures. Also did the lookdev for Void Creatures (weird ball head chicken), and various small assets such as Kid Loki's sword, President Loki's stump arm, Boastful Loki's arm etc.

July 13, 2021